We’re here to help you if you have an unresolved complaint about public transport services in Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Before submitting a complaint to us, you must contact the public transport operator first, to give them an opportunity to resolve your complaint. You can find out how to contact the public transport operator here. If the operator does not resolve your complaint, contact us and we can look into it.
Make a complaint to us using our online complaint form here.
Complaints we can help you with
The PTO can independently review most complaints about existing public transport services in Victoria, if you’re not happy with the response from a public transport operator. We can’t look at...
Before you complain to us
Before you complain to us, you must try to resolve your complaint with the public transport operator first. This means you need to contact the operator, tell them what happened and give them an...
Complaint form
If you have a complaint about public transport in Melbourne or Victoria, you can tell us about it by filling out this form. We will get in touch with you after we receive your complaint.
Do you speak another language?
This page has information about us in other languages. Speak another language? You can also call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 to talk with us.
How we look at your complaint
When you contact us, we will ask you for: your name and contact details; the operator your complaint is about; the details of your complaint; what the operator said or did in response to your...
When we handle a public transport complaint, our aim is to help you and the public transport operator reach a fair and reasonable outcome. Fair and reasonable outcomes depend on all the...
Feedback about the PTO
If you have a complaint about how your case was handled by our office or how we communicated with you, you can make a complaint. This can include complaints about our assessment of whether your...
The Public Transport Ombudsman respectfully acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land on which we operate our services. We pay our respects to the ongoing living cultures of Aboriginal peoples, and to Elders past, present and future.